The Schindler’s List” Tour — Krakow Under Nazi Occupation

TIME: 3 h (walk­ing only)

PRICE per Tour: 120 USD / 100 EUR / 400 PLN + entry fees

Max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants: 6

Cal­en­dar does not exist.

The Schindler’s List” Tour cov­ers all the most impor­tant sights filmed by Steven Spiel­berg in Krakow’s Jew­ish Quar­ter Kaz­imierz and in Krakow’s ghet­to in Podgórze dis­trict. You will be able to learn about the his­to­ry of Krakow under Nazi occu­pa­tion between 1939 and 1945. Oskar Schindler Fac­to­ry exhi­bi­tion presents old pho­tographs and sev­er­al doc­u­men­taries on Jew­ish life in Krakow in 1930’s, foun­da­tion of Krakow’s ghet­to in March 1941 and Nazi army occu­pa­tion of Krakow city. Part of exhi­bi­tion presents tes­tiomonies of the most famous ghet­to sur­vivors: Roman Polan­s­ki, Roma Ligoc­ka, Miri­am Akavia, dr Julian Alek­sandrow­icz and phar­ma­cist Tadeusz Pankiewicz. Muse­um book shop offers a sig­nif­i­cant selec­tion of books and mem­oirs in English.

What’s includ­ed: guid­ed ser­vice in Eng­lish up to 3 hours

What’s extra: entry fees to Oskar Schindler Fac­to­ry (24 PLN pp — tick­ets must be booked in advance)