Sweet Krakow — Polish High End Pastry Tour 

TIME: 3 hours (walk­ing only)

Price per tour: 120 USD / 100 EUR / 400 PLN + sweet delights tasting

Max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants: 6

Cal­en­dar does not exist.

Sweet Krakow Tour will intro­duce you to all secrets of Pol­ish high end pas­try and local sweet delights. We will vis­it the most famous Krakow’s pas­try and sweet shops serv­ing not only local clas­sics like best Pol­ish apple pie and cheese cake, but also best hot choco­late, Pope’s cream cake, gin­ger bread, mac­arons and sweet Cra­cov­ian braid. You will learn about tra­di­tion­al sweets and cakes made for biggest Pol­ish hol­i­days and fam­i­ly meet­ings. You will also see the best spots with Pol­ish sweets per­fect for gifts for your fam­i­ly and beloved ones. We will vis­it only small local busi­ness­es with great his­to­ry and fam­i­ly traditions.

What’s includ­ed: guid­ed ser­vice in Eng­lish up to 3 hours

What’s extra: cost of sweet delights tast­ing (cir­ca 40 PLN / 10 EUR / 12 USD pp)