Krakow Food Markets & Polish Foods Tasting

TIME: 3 hours (walk­ing only)

Price per tour: 120 USD / 100 EUR / 400 PLN

Max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants: 6

Cal­en­dar does not exist.

Krakow Food Mar­kets Tour is a great local expe­ri­ence for all first time vis­i­tors and food­ies! We will vis­it two most pop­u­lar and old­est Krakow food mar­kets dat­ed back to XV cen­tu­ry: Kleparz Stary and Nowy. You will be able to see a tra­di­tion­al Pol­ish bak­ery oper­at­ing con­stant­ly for over 80 years and a Liv­ing Muse­um of Krakow Bagles! You will try best organ­ic and craft foods: dark bread, heather hon­ey from so called trav­el­ling bee hives, sheep cheese, smoked riv­er trout and sweet Cra­cov­ian Braid with rose petal jam. We will fin­ish the tour in a local break­fast place, where all farmer’s sea­son prod­ucts are served. Please be so kind and inform us in advance in case of any food aller­gies or dietary restrictions!

What’s includ­ed: guid­ed ser­vice in Eng­lish up to 3 hours

What’s extra: food and bevarages, food tast­ing, shopping