Krakow City Private Tour

TIME: 3 h (walk­ing only)

PRICE per Tour: 120 USD / 100 EUR / 400 PLN

Max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants: 6

Cal­en­dar does not exist.

Krakow City Tour is a per­fect ori­en­ta­tion tour for all first time vis­i­tors! We will vis­it the Roy­al Route and the most impor­tant sights of the Old Town: Wawel Hill with Roy­al Cathe­dral and Roy­al Cas­tle court­yard, Kanon­icza Street and Grodz­ka Street with St. Andrew’s and St. Peter’s and Paul’s church­es, Fran­cis­can Monastery and Plan­ty Park with rem­nants of Krakow city walls, Latin Quar­ter with Col­legium Maius court­yard and Main Mar­ket Square with Cloth Hall and St. Mary’s Basilica.

What’s includ­ed: guid­ed ser­vice in Eng­lish up to 3 hours

What’s extra: entry fees to St. Mary’s Basil­i­ca (10 PLN pp)