Wieliczka Salt Mine By Elevator For Persons With Limited Mobility

TIME: up to 4 hours (half day)

Price per tour: please con­tact us for details

Max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants: 6

Cal­en­dar does not exist.

click to see the timelapse

Wielicz­ka Salt Mine Tour is the most pop­u­lar tourist des­ti­na­tion in Krakow city area. Today it is famous for its tourist route locat­ed on the first three under­ground lev­els and offer­ing a vis­it to sev­er­al salt cham­bers, unique chapels and exca­va­tions with spec­tac­u­lar wood­en sup­ports. The most pop­u­lar sou­venirs are famous cos­met­ic and bathing salt, as well as pink salt lamps. This tour can be deliv­ered also for per­sons on wheel­chairs and with lim­it­ed mobil­i­ty. Please con­tact us for details.