Zakopane & Tatra Mountains

TIME: up to 8 hours (full day)

Price per tour: please con­tact us for details

Max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants: 6

Cal­en­dar does not exist.

click to see the timelapse

Zakopane & Tatra Moun­tains Tour is a full day trip to one of the most pic­turesque regions of Poland. Local High­landers’ com­mu­ni­ty is extreme­ly fam­i­ly ori­ent­ed, very tra­di­tion­al and reli­gious. The town of Zakopane is def­i­nite­ly the best place to see very tra­di­tion­al Pol­ish wood­en archi­tec­ture and local folk cos­tumes. The beau­ty of the Tatra Moun­tains and deli­cious local cui­sine makes this region very pop­u­lar among locals all year round. One of most unique local attrac­tions is a food mar­ket with great selec­tion of sheep cheese, heather hon­ey and local leather pro­duce. Please con­tact us for details.