Auschwitz — Birkenau Museum & Memorial 

TIME: up to 6 hours 

Price per tour: please con­tact us for details

Max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants: 6

Cal­en­dar does not exist.

click to see the timelapse

Auschwitz — Birke­nau Muse­um & Memo­r­i­al Tour cov­ers both parts of KL Auschwitz — the largest con­cen­tra­tion and exter­mi­na­tion camp in Europe dur­ing WW II. The Auschwitz Muse­um offers guid­ed tours in Eng­lish, only in organ­ised groups of up to 30 pax and with local inside Muse­um edu­ca­tors. All vis­i­tors are pro­vid­ed with sound sys­tem (head­phones and receivers) and fol­low local Muse­um edu­ca­tors. The tour in the Muse­um takes cir­ca 3,5 hours with a very short break between two parts: Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II Birke­nau. Local book­shops offer a very big selec­tion of books and DVD’s on WW II his­to­ry. This ser­vice is to pro­vide you with an assis­tance of a local Eng­lish speak­ing guide on your return trip from Krakow, deliv­er all nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion on KL Auschwitz camp his­to­ry and present Muse­um exhi­bi­tion, and assist you through the tour time. Please con­tact us for details.