Ojców National Park & Pieskowa Skała Castle

TIME: up to 6 hours (half day)

Price per tour: please con­tact us for details

Max­i­mum num­ber of par­tic­i­pants: 6

Cal­en­dar does not exist.

click to see the timelapse

Ojców Nation­al Park is locat­ed only 1 hour dri­ve from Krakow. It is famous for beau­ti­ful Juras­sic lime­stone cre­ations and one of the best pre­served Pol­ish Eagle’s Nests — Pieskowa Skała Cas­tle. Ojców is very pop­u­lar among locals for its amaz­ing nature, great net­work of bike routes and the best trout fish­ery licensed and reg­is­tered as EU region­al prod­uct. This trip will be a great chance to vis­it one of the best exhi­bi­tions of Euro­pean art locat­ed in Pieskowa Skała Cas­tle, take a stroll alond the beau­ti­ful val­ley in Ojców Nation­al Park and taste some deli­cious smoked trout from local fish­ery. Please con­tact us for details.